September is National Service Dog Month!

National Service Dog Month is dedicated to raising awareness and honouring the incredible work that services dogs do in supporting individuals with disabilities. Throughout September, we recognize the importance of service dogs and the impact they have on the lives of the people who rely on them.

Expand your knowledge!

  • Dog training usually starts at the age of two.
  • When it comes to selecting a service dog, the dog trainers always consider their breed characteristics while paring with the client.
  • Clients wait a long time to get a service dog from a non-profit organization.
  • German Shepherds, Labradors, and Golden Retrievers are some of the best service dogs and Standard Poodles are used sometimes for people who have allergies.
  • Most service dogs have a working life of approximately 8 years.

Service Dog Jobs

  • Hearing Dog- specifically trained to help those who are hard of hearing by alerting handlers to important sounds such as doorbells, smoke alarms and ringing phones.
  • Psychiatric Service Dogs- these companions are specifically trained to help those suffering from depression, anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These service dogs can guard the house for potential threats to reduce the symptoms of hypervigilance.
  • Guide Dogs- these dogs help visually impaired clients to move around safely and independently. They wear a special type of harness with a handle for their owner to grasp.
  • Mobility Assistance Dogs- they help to perform everyday tasks like picking or carrying objects, pulling wheelchairs, opening or closing doors and other daily tasks. They are typically paired with people suffering from Spinal Cord & Brain Injuries, Muscular Dystrophy, Arthritis, Cerebral Palsy or other mobility limitations.
  • Medical Response Dogs- they assist people who have a medical disability during or after a seizure including finding help for their person or calling 911 with a K-9 alert phone. They can help their partner regain consciousness after a seizure, physically move them and bring them their medicine afterwards.

Service Dogs Laws in Canada
The law in Canada protects Service animals. Therefore, they can accompany their handlers in most places that are open to the public. These furry friends offer positive effects psychologically, socially, and physiologically. Their company reduces anxiety, depression and loneliness.

Virtual Event - Dogs with Jobs in the Government of Canada

The IT Accessibility Awareness Team is hosting a virtual event on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Angèle Charlebois works for Canadian Heritage and lives with a hearing disability. She will be sharing her story and explaining the importance of service dogs in the workplace.

French Event- September 13, 2023 |10:00 AM (ET)

English Event: September 13, 2023 | 1:00 PM (ET)

For additional concerns or for any inquiries, please reach out to