World Cancer Day - Overcoming Barriers and Redesigning Life

World Cancer Day is observed internationally on February 4 each year to raise awareness of cancer and encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. It is a globally united initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), which aims to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration.

World Cancer Day serves as a reminder of the global battle against cancer and the collective strength required to overcome it. On this day, it is important to reflect not only on the challenges faced but also on the resilience that serves in the journey towards redesigning lives after diagnosis.

Key Findings

  • According to the UICC, more than 10 million people die from cancer each year. This total is expected to rise to 13 million by 2030.
  • 45% of Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
  • Every hour in 2023, 27 Canadians were expected to be diagnosed with cancer.
  • The most diagnosed cancer in males is prostate cancer, and in females it is breast cancer.
  • 239,100 new cases of cancer were expected to be diagnosed in Canada in 2023. The number of cases expected in males (124,200) was higher than in females (114,900).

Cancer, in its various forms, not only creates physical, emotional, and psychological challenges but also presents various accessibility issues in the workplace that can affect a person’s ability to perform their work. These challenges and hardships begin when a patient is first diagnosed. In their journey towards recovery, they will require the support of family, friends, and healthcare professionals. In order to overcome barriers and redesign their lives, they will need patience, courage, and determination.

The IT Accessibility Office’s Accessibility Awareness Team at ESDC honours the strength and courage of those who are living with a history of cancer and invites you to join them for an inspiring and empowering event hosted in partnership with Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). Martin Paquette, a remarkable cancer survivor and manager at PSPC, will share his extraordinary journey and describe his experiences in overcoming obstacles. Martin not only triumphed over his illness, he also redesigned his life and eventually achieved the milestone of becoming a manager.