World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day is a global awareness day, observed on February 4th, and is a perfect opportunity to spread the word about Cancer and its early detection, prevention, and treatment programs available to support the community. It is an initiative led by the Union of International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration mentioned in 2008.

The Prevention of cancer has become one of the major challenges to public health in the 21st century and plays a critical role in the fight against cancer. At least 40% of all cancer cases can be prevented with effective primary prevention measures, and further mortality can be reduced through early detection of Cancer/tumors.

Did you know the facts?

  • Cancer is not just only one disease; there are more than 100 Cancer diseases.
  • Consumption of many fast foods that are high in fats, sugar, processed foods, and high-calorie drinks contributes to obesity-related Cancers.
  • Consumption of alcoholic drinks is a major cause of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, liver, colorectum, stomach, and breast Cancer.
  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified Arsenic in drinking water reasons to cause of Lung, bladder & certain types of skin cancers.
  • Every day we produce 100-2000 cancerous cells, which are neutralized by the healthy immune system of individuals.
  • Radiation for treating cancer also kills healthy cells alongside the affected cancerous cells. In addition, cancer treatment can affect vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.

Cancer & Work together

Some common symptoms that may impact the ability to work among employees involve physical, cognitive, emotional, and physiological symptoms as well as impaired communication, mobility impairment, hearing impairment, visual impairment, changes in physical appearance, seizures, and so on.

Proper communication and assistance in the workplace, is a one-step-ahead action that can help everyone heal and modifies the work environment to allow continuing work with treatment or in assisting a return to work after an absence.

Accessibility Information

We encourage you to visit ESDC's 3-year Accessibility Plan and see how together we are one-step ahead towards making an Accessible Canada.

For any information or inquiries, please reach out to the Accessibility Awareness Team.