Software readiness for Full-day Hands-on Coaching series

Please create a ticket with National Service Desk Internal link site to get Mozilla Firefox and Color Contrast Analyser installed on your computer to follow the hands-on exercises.


We use the following tools to perform web audits:

General Software

  1. Microsoft Outlook
  2. Microsoft Excel
  3. The Colour Contrast Analyzer or request it through NSDInternal Link
  4. NVDA (A free, Open Source Screen Reader) (Or JAWS, or some kind of screen reader)
  5. Foxit PhantomPDF
  6. Firefox

Please answer the question with the following responses.

1. What product/system/application do you need help with? Note: Only ONE item per request
Color Contrast Analyser [color col]
2. Which of the choices below best describes your problem or request?
*I would like to request a license and have Color Contrast Analyser installed on my computer.

Mozilla Firefox

Please answer the question with the following responses.

1. What product/system/application do you need help with? Note: Only ONE item per request
Mozilla Firefox
2. Which of the choices below best describes your problem or request?
*I would like to request a license and have Mozilla Firefox installed on my computer.
3. IE11 is ESDC's standard web browser, are you aware that Firefox will not work with some applications and internal websites?
Yes, I am aware that Mozilla Firefox has limitations and is not a replacement for IE 11.
4. Which of the choices below best describes your requirement for Firefox?
If you are a developer
I am a Web Developer and require Mozilla Firefox.
If you are not a developer
{ I require Mozilla Firefox for other work related reasons }

Firefox Add-ons

All from the Mozilla Add-on Hosting site (AMO) unless otherwise noted: (Note: some of these may be blocked as of May, 2020.)

  • The whole Nordburg suite of add-ons including the WET Widget Version Finder (WWVF)
  • aXe developer tools
  • Nordburg tools
    1. Nordburg Focus Revealer
    2. Nordburg Forms Mode Simulator
    3. Nordburg Validator
    4. SlashOn BW filter
    5. SlashOn Tag finder
  • Bookmarklets

    Bookmarklets are like add-ons, but require no installation and are not browser-specific.

    (If you know of any useful bookmarks, feel free to add them below)

    To create a bookmarklet:

    1. Right in a toolbar and select "New bookmark..."
    2. Put the name of the bookmarklet in the Name field (ex: Tota11y)
    3. Put the Javascript in the Location field.


    Name: Tota11y
    What it does

    It injects a little widget near the bottom-left corner of the screen allowing you to check headings, contrast, link text, labels, image alt-text, landmarks, and a "screen reader wand".


    Name: HTML_CodeSniffer
    What it does

    It runs various tests checking for if <input>s have <label>s colour contrast issues, regions, etc.

    Text Spacing

    Name: Text Spacing
    What it does

    This bookmarklet is specifically for WCAG 1.4.12: Text Spacing. It sets the line height (line spacing) to be 1.5 times the font size, spacing following paragraphs to be 2 times the font size, letter spacing (tracking) to 0.12 times the font size, and word spacing at least .16 times the font size.

    HTML Validator after Javascript Execution

    Name: Validate After JS
    What it does

    It takes a snapshop of the DOM as it exists when you run the bookmarklet and sends it to the W3C validator, which will show all errors and warnings.

    Filter out non-4.1.1 requirements

    Name: Validate 4.1.1
        javascript:(function(){var%20removeNg=true;var%20filterStrings=["tag%20seen","Stray%20end%20tag","Bad%20start%20tag","violates%20nesting%20rules","Duplicate%20ID","first%20occurrence%20of%20ID","Unclosed%20element","not%20allowed%20as%20child%20of%20element","unclosed%20elements","not%20allowed%20on%20element","unquoted%20attribute%20value","Duplicate%20attribute","An%20ID%20must%20not%20contain%20whitespace"];var%20filterRE,root,results,result,resultText,i,cnt=0;filterRE=filterStrings.join("|");root=document.getElementById("results");if(!root){alert("No%20results%20container%20found.");return}results=root.getElementsByTagName("li");for(i=0;i<results.length;i++){result=results[i];if(result.className!==""){resultText=(result.innerText!==undefined?result.innerText:result.textContent)+"";if(resultText.match(filterRE)===null){"none";result.className=result.className+"%20steveNoLike";cnt++}else%20if(removeNg==true){if(resultText.indexOf("not%20allowed%20on%20element")!==-1){var%20newAttrib=result.getElementsByTagName("code");newAttrib=(newAttrib[0].innerText!==undefined?newAttrib[0].innerText:newAttrib[0].textContent);var%20newAttribPart=result.getElementsByTagName("b");newAttribPart=(newAttribPart[0].innerText!==undefined?newAttribPart[0].innerText:newAttrib[0].textContent);var%20newAttribRE=new%20RegExp(newAttrib+"\\s\*=");if(newAttribRE.test(newAttribPart)){"none";result.className=result.className+"%20steveNoLike";cnt++;}}}}}alert("Complete. "+cnt+" items removed.")})();
    What it does

    After running the above bookmarklet, run this one to filter out validation errors that don't pertain to WCAG 4.1.1 - Parsing.

    Filter out non-4.1.1 requirements With Counter Removed

    Name: Validate 4.1.1
        javascript:(function(){var%20removeNg=true;var%20filterStrings=["tag%20seen","Stray%20end%20tag","Bad%20start%20tag","violates%20nesting%20rules","Duplicate%20ID","first%20occurrence%20of%20ID","Unclosed%20element","not%20allowed%20as%20child%20of%20element","unclosed%20elements","not%20allowed%20on%20element","unquoted%20attribute%20value","Duplicate%20attribute","An%20ID%20must%20not%20contain%20whitespace"];var%20filterRE,root,results,result,resultText,i,cnt=0;filterRE=filterStrings.join("|");root=document.getElementById("results");if(!root){alert("No%20results%20container%20found.");return}results=root.getElementsByTagName("li");for(i=0;i<results.length;i++){result=results[i];if(result.className!==""){resultText=(result.innerText!==undefined?result.innerText:result.textContent)+"";if(resultText.match(filterRE)===null){"none";result.className=result.className+"%20steveNoLike";cnt++}else%20if(removeNg==true){if(resultText.indexOf("not%20allowed%20on%20element")!==-1){var%20newAttrib=result.getElementsByTagName("code");newAttrib=(newAttrib[0].innerText!==undefined?newAttrib[0].innerText:newAttrib[0].textContent);var%20newAttribPart=result.getElementsByTagName("b");newAttribPart=(newAttribPart[0].innerText!==undefined?newAttribPart[0].innerText:newAttrib[0].textContent);var%20newAttribRE=new%20RegExp(newAttrib+"\\s\*=");if(newAttribRE.test(newAttribPart)){"none";result.className=result.className+"%20steveNoLike";cnt++;}}}}}console.log("Complete. "+cnt+" items removed.")})();
    What it does

    This is the same as the last one, but the last one has an alert which I find to be annoying. This one converts thatalert to a console.log so the count is still there if you need to see it.

    ANDI (Accessible Name & Description Inspector) is developed by the Social Security Administration in the US.

    Name: ANDI
    What it does

    It shows tab order, label tags, focusable elements, image information, link information, document structure information, contrast information, and some information on hidden elements.

    ANDI (Accessible Name & Description Inspector) is developed by the Social Security Administration in the US.

    Name: ANDI
    What it does

    It shows tab order, label tags, focusable elements, image information, link information, document structure information, contrast information, and some information on hidden elements.