Projects and Partners

This page contains information on ESDC IT Accessibility partners.

Employees with Disabilities Network

Employment and Social Development Canada’s (ESDC) Employees with Disabilities Network (EwDN) is an employee-led forum for employees of ESDC, Service Canada and the Labour Program portfolios.

Youth Mandate for Greater Involvement

YMAGIN is a joint initiative between ESDC, Service Canada, Labour Program and Policy Horizons Canada. A workplace of opportunity for today’s generation of public servants to grow and develop into the leaders of tomorrow.

Women in IT

WIT is an organization committed to finding ways to support and encourage women in the field of IT, to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, and to advancing WIT priorities.

Indigenous Employees’ Circle (IEC) ESDC

In December 2010, the IEC was officially launched and the Department now has a community which offers Indigenous employees the opportunity to network and to connect with other Indigenous employees across the country.

Contact: IEC General Information