Resources and Tools

This page contains a myriad of lists and information pertaining to various aspects of accessibility (software, compliance, design, etc.). Inspect each section to find any pertinent content to your needs or interests.

Introduction to Accessibility

Accessibility is a vast topic that requires training and practice to master, making it an important subject for anyone who creates Documents, Emails, E-Forms, Web Pages or Desktop applications. By including accessibility in the design of your work, ensures that everyone can fully participate. Here are some links to reference material that, we hope, will help you understand the concept of accessibility.

Accessible Documents

The core steps needed for accessibility are the same regardless of whether your document is in HTML, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, or another document format. We have gathered resources to assist you and ensure that everyone, including persons with disabilities, can read and understand your documents.

Accessible Web Pages

Making the Web accessible allows a wider range of people with disabilities, including accommodations for blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, limited movement, speech disabilities and cognitive limitations.

Accessible Desktop Software

Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software are ready-made and available for purchase in the commercial market and they must be accessible for people with disabilities to perform their daily tasks.

Adaptive Technologies for Persons with Disabilities (section currently underwork)

Persons with disabilities use computers in different ways. For examples, some people use it without the mouse; some without the keyboard! As a result, different adaptive technologies have evolved to enable a person to work and fully use the electronic environment.

Accessible Events / Meetings

In order to assist you in offering a fully accessible event (virtual or in person), weather it is a training session, a meeting, a kiosk or an open door event, the IT Accessibility Office (ITAO) has gathered the most relevant information on the subject.

Accessible Images

This page contains information on designing accessible images and demonstrates how to provide appropriate text alternatives based on the purpose of the image.

Useful Links

This page contains useful links to accessibility policy, learning, development information sites. If you would like to add any category or links to this page, please email us: IT Accessibility Office.