Global Zoom Settings for an Improved User Experience

Special thanks to Kristina England, Digital Experience and Accessibility Specialist in Higher Ed, for putting all this content together with information provided by Indiana University's Board of Trustees and other sources.

Global Optimization Settings

Enable Closed Captioning Settings

While closed captions may not be requested for all meetings, it will be important to have these settings enabled so that presenters can use them as needed.

Enable nonverbal feedback

Nonverbal feedback allows participants who are muted to raise their hand when they want to ask a question. This can be used along with the Chat feature but both features should be available to presenters. You can enable nonverbal feedback under Settings – Meeting – In Meeting (Basics).

Ensure the Custom Meeting ID feature is  Unlocked

With faculty using Zoom for courses, having a personal meeting ID will provide a standard way for faculty members to communicate. These features should be unlocked should faculty (or employees) decide to use a custom Meeting ID or Link for classes and meetings:

Notification Settings

Ensure the following email notifications are unlocked so that presenters can determine if they want to use the feature or not:

Be sure to also check out Accessibility Best Practices for Using Zoom for Meetings and Classes.