Low Vision

People with low vision have sight problems that range from slightly reduced visual acuity to close to total blindness. This may require changes to their desktop area or add-on equipment that helps magnify the images on the screen.

Information and Awareness on Accessibility Topics

The IT Accessibility Office offers awareness services. We provide information on accessibility related matters.

People with low vision have a decreased ability to see. This impairment is to a degree that cannot be corrected by usual means, such as glasses. It can affect various aspects of daily life, including work. There exists an assortment of hardware, software and tools to amend these afflictions and help those who have low vision, some examples are:

Client's Need Assessment of Adaptive Technology (AT)

The IT Accessibility Office offers insight and guidance in meeting the needs for those with low vision. By developing a strategy suited to individual needs, we can determine the best adaptive technology (AT) to be made available for client use.

End-User Support for Adaptive Technology (AT)

We provide support with adaptive technology for low vision users. Here are our most common products:

General Requests for Adaptive Technology (AT)

You may submit a general inquiry. The IT Accessibility Office is dedicated to respond to general requests for adaptive Technology (AT).

Loan Bank Services

The IT Accessibility Office maintains, reviews and procures adaptive technology for a short-term loan bank. Items loaned out can be evaluated to determine if they are useful to individuals with low vision. Please see list below of Adaptive technology available for rental:

CCTV Magnifiers

known as a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) or as a Video Magnifier, these are generally a combination of a customized camera, mount arm for steady hands-free positioning of the camera, a viewing screen/monitor, lenses with the ability to zoom (in some cases up to 82x magnification), and viewing modes with lighting, color, and contrast modes for optimal visual assistance. There is often a viewing platform, which allows easy positioning of the magnified item, book, or image. https://www.enhancedvision.com/low-vision/cctv-magnifiers.html

Variety of handheld magnifiers to help you see better and within reach.

Optelec Traveller+
is a portable CCTV magnifier. Traveller HD is the updated model. https://ca.optelec.com/products/traveller-hd.html
is a simple scanning, reading and magnifying device with all the features needed to make reading easy. It has instant text to speech functionality. https://frontier-cnib.ca/products/readdesk
AMIGO Magnifier on the go
is for reading mail, magazines, newspapers, prescriptions, and books, for seeing objects at varying distances, and for saving captured images for later viewing. https://www.enhancedvision.com/low-vision-product-line/amigo-hd-portable-electronic-magnifier.html
PICO Pocket Video Magnifier
is a small handheld text magnifier that allows you to view text in bright colour, positive text (black on white), negative text (white on black), or yellow on blue modes. With this tool, you can read even in dimly lit areas.
Intel Portable Capture Station
is a portable, handheld technology device that allows users to take a photo of printed material and have it read back aloud.
Intel Reader
is a device for dyslexic and visually impaired readers, allowing them to scan entire pages of text to audio for immediate playback or later review.
MagniLink S Premium 2
Video magnifier has no monitor, which makes it more compact. Great for meetings. https://lviamerica.com/catalog/products/magnilink-s-premium-2
Large Print Keyboard
has bigger font than regular keyboards. https://www.zoomtext.com/products/zoomtext-keyboard-black-on-yellow/

Support for Accessibility Learning Curriculum

The IT Accessibility Office provides advice on the learning curriculum for accessibility. You can submit information requests or consult the Learning section on our website.