World Sight Day: Enhancing Workplace Accessibility-Tools and Adaptive Technology for Vision-Impaired Employees

To raise awareness of vision impairment, World Sight Day is an annual event celebrated on the second Thursday of October.

This year on October 12, 2023, World Sight Day theme #LoveYour Eyes will be focusing the world's attention on the importance of eye care and encouraging employers to make eye health initiatives which will benefit the well-being, safety, and productivity at the workplace.

In today's progressive workplace, there is a growing recognition of the importance of inclusivity and accessibility.

Continuous advancements in accessibility tools and adaptive technologies (AT) have revolutionized the way people with vision impairment navigate and interact with the world around them. By embracing and implementing these innovative tools and AT, we can empower vision-impaired employees to thrive in their professional careers.

There are great tools available for employees with impaired vision in Microsoft 365 including built-in accessibility features to effectively utilize applications and fully participate in workplace tasks such as:

Windows setup to fit Vision

Listen instead of watching

Use Immersive Reader

Using a Screen Reader with Accessibility Checker with Microsoft 365.

Adaptive Technology Services at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

The use of AT in the workplace plays a key role in empowering people with disabilities, showing that it is supportive of the workforce's accessibility needs. The various AT available can help remove accessibility barriers and provide support at work for employees with Low Vision to No Vision.

Part of ESDC's IT Accessibility Office (ITAO), the Accessibility Center of Excellence (ACE) maintains, reviews, and procures adaptive technology for short-term loans to employees. Items loaned are evaluated to determine if they are useful to individuals with vision impairments. By developing a strategy suited to everyone's needs, the ACE team can help determine the best AT made available for client use.

To access this service for either yourself or for one of your employees, please submit a service request either by filling out this Intake Form, by opening a ticket through the National Service Desk or by sending an inquiry to the ITAO GD mailbox at

Spotlight On!!

For additional concerns or for any inquiries, please reach out to

-By the IT Accessibility Awareness Team