Most Common Types of Disability

Here are some of the most commonly found types of disabilities in the workplace, and their related accessibility considerations.

Low Vision

People with low vision have sight problems that range from slightly reduced visual acuity to close to total blindness. This may require changes to their desktop area or add-on equipment that helps magnify the images on the screen.


People who are blind have a range of conditions from severely reduced visual acuity to complete loss of vision and light perception. A variety of software and hardware is used to provide accommodations for employees who are blind.


Mobility/dexterity impairments range from problems stemming from musculoskeletal disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome or back pain, to little or no use of one or both hands. Individuals with these impairments may require special devices to use computer equipment, including modified keyboards, on-screen keyboards or a head or foot mouse. They may also need to use word prediction or voice recognition systems to help them type.

Hearing Impairment

The term "hearing impaired" describes people with any degree of hearing loss, from mild to profound, including those who are deaf and those who are hard of hearing.


Cognitive impairments take many forms, including short and long-term memory impairments, and perceptual differences. Language impairments, including dyslexia and temporary impairments associated with those attempting to learn new languages, are also common cognitive problems. Normally a combination of adaptive computer technologies is used to help people with cognition problems.