IT Accessibility Office

The IT Accessibility Office (ITAO) remains to be a provider of adaptive technology and an advocate for inclusiveness of people with disabilities in the workplace. We are demonstrated leaders, committed to our accessibility mandate, continuing to provide support to employees with disabilities. In accordance with the Accessible Canada Act and in collaboration with our partners in central agencies, we recommend internationally recognized standards, guidelines and best practices.

Our services span over topics such as procurement, training, awareness, product assessments, as well as expert advice on Accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Main sections of our site


These services include adaptive technology support, coaching and product assessments.


Training sessions introducing federal accessibility standards and guidelines and courses to help employees increase their knowledge of accessibility and better meet the needs of their internal and external clients.

Resources and Tools

A myriad of lists and information pertaining to various aspects of accessibility (software, compliance, design, etc.). Inspect each section to find any pertinent content to your needs or interests.