Sign language (level AAA)

Overview – Sign language

Sign languages use hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. They benefit users who are deaf. Many people who are deaf prefer sign language to captions, and in some cases is their first and most fluent language.

Including sign language is optional: it’s not required by the Government of Canada. However, it could be used in the context of interacting with Canadian citizens, such as a public consultation. Although it's not required it is recommended, depending on your target audience and topic.

Sign language via the Translation Bureau

The Government of Canada Translation Bureau provides the sign language service, typically but not necessarily for large events such as conferences. Please review these two documents and contact the Translation Bureau (intranet) to learn more:

Prime Minister Trudeau addressing Canadians with sign language interpreters in the bottom left and right of the screen.

Signing in both official languages

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