Decorative or redundant images

Designing with decorative or redundant images

Decorative images do not add useful information to a page, while redundant images have content already conveyed in adjacent text. Examples of decorative:

  • Images used for visual styling such as borders and spacers
  • Images used to add ambiance or visual interest (eye-candy)

A redundant image is adjacent to text that already communicates the information the image conveys. For example, an image of a product is an online store is directly beneath a heading of the product name. Image alt text identifying the product would be redundant.

Follow these best practices for decorative and redundant images:

  • Implement decorative images as CSS backgrounds if possible.
  • Do not leave out the alt attribute of <img> elements.
  • Use "null" alt attributes (alt="") to hide decorative or redundant images from assistive technology.
  • The role=presentation attribute also hides the image, though it's not as widely supported as a null alt.

Good example: Decorative image

In this example, a stock photo of office employees qualifies as decorative if it contains no information relevant to the accompanying page. A stock photo of employees of various ethnicities would be informative if the intent is to show the employer values equity, diversity and inclusivity; in that case, the alt text might be something like "At [organization name] we value diversity". But generally, stock photos are decorative.


<img src="staff.jpg" alt="">

Good example: Image with redundant adjacent text

The image below is already sufficiently described by the adjacent text. A null (empty) alt value can be used since there is no need to repeat this information.

In those days, a circus performer could control three horses with their reins, standing on horseback.


<img src="horses.jpg" alt="">
<p>In those days, a circus performer could control three horses with their reins, standing on horseback.</p>

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